


16 August, 2019


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Transcript by

Bryan Bishop

Thank you all for coming. We have some bitcoin contributors here, and some people from the investment community. The impetus for this event was a bitcoin conference this weekend, but also Gideon is speaking today. We went to a blockchain event a few months ago and it was our impression that they didn't do a good job of explaining bitcoin to investors. Since we're all up here in Dallas, we thought we would share some perspectives about what bitcoin is and how it works for people that are actively contributing in the space. There will be five speakers touching on five different subjects. At the end of the last speaker, we will do a panel with the five speakers and my friend Marty Bent runs the best bitcoin podcast after Noded, and he will lead a Q&A panel and you will have the opportunity to ask questions and Marty will facilitate discussion.

My name is Parker Lewis and I run business development at Unchained Capital. We offer financial services in the bitcoin space. We are co-hosting with Tuur Demeester who runs a bitcoin alpha fund. He provides a lot of wonderful content in the bitcoin space and also understands the bitcoin market, as much as anyone. Glad to be hosting with Tuur, and thank you to the participants. Michael Goldstein will also be speaking. He has a website on monetary economics and theory with some great content. He'll talk about why bitcoin matters. Tuur will give an overview of bitcoin markets. He has a new talk he's going to try out on you guys regarding the next reformation. Dhruv Bansal is a co-founder at Unchained and he will give a talk on bitcoin security and why keys matter. Justin Moon is a programmer and he runs a bitcoin development course and helps train up the latest round of developers for bitcoin. My friend Gideon Powell is a resident energy operator and a founder of a bitcoin mining company and helps build infrastructure to secure the bitcoin network. After those talks, we will do Q&A.


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