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Transcript by
Bryan Bishop
Equal pay for equal proof-of-work
You can't allocate tx fees until you see the state of the network
do you split fees?
if you don't, you can fee-snipe
if you do, smart wallets will cheat the fee reallocation
smart wallets that pay specific miners compromise centralization
tx fees should be the best way to get your tx confirmed
could eliminate gossip broadcast of txs ("p2p layer")
PoW required to get any transaction confirmed
PoW started as a spam prevention mechanism, becomes this again
"deep mempool"
situation in bitcoin today - more txs waiting than the content of a block
cohort can only be delineated once no blocks appear for a certain period
can a system not depend on cohort delineation?
(yes - that's Jute)
question of how bead/block difficulty is determined
chains are synchronous, block is a network-wide event
braids are parallel, beads appear simultaneously
can difficulty & reward algorithms have multiple values at different points in the graph?
miner sees high-fee tx in one block
makes competing block with same tx
series of blocks where everything before is an ancestor of everything that comes after
tx never sits in limbo indefinitely
double spending is free
use a miner
try to double-spend
in bitcoin, if you get 5 out of 6 blocks but fail on the 6th, your 5 blocks' worth of work is wasted
in an inclusive DAG, you submit those blocks late, and still get paid
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