
Finding Bugs Automatically in Smart Contracts with Parameterized Specifications


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Transcript by

Bryan Bishop


I am from Tel Aviv University and now we have a 1-year old company called Cotera which is located in Berlin, Seattle and Tel Aviv. Our mission is to bring formal methods into code security and I will talk to you today about how we use this method to find bugs. And actually, I try to make this talk as informal as possible but there is actually a paper just download it from the certora website. If you are bored during this talk, then we put up a nice demo for you on our website. Use to play with it and see how this technology is working and you can see how this technology is working.


We are hiring the best people in formal methods and in security. These things go together well. We're all trying to make this technology and product for checking code security. We also have help from the academic community including Daniel Jackson MIT, Neil, and someone from Tel Aviv University.


In this space, our customers really care about code security. One of the customers is Compound finance which is one of the top DeFis and they use this technology on a daily basis. Every time they change their code, they run code verification and they use this to check that their code is correct. We think this technology is useful during development phase. If you are a Solidity developer, please talk to us.

Coinbase is a crypto exchange. Before they release a token, they care about security so they run this technology to make sure the code meets the requirements. Celo is building a unique product on top of EVM and they are using this technology to check their code. The interesting thing about this technology is that it can actually locate where bugs are and you can see that from what we did for them, we have more customers coming. Starkware, and more.

Continuous code verification using code invariants

The idea is to use this product constantly. We support Solidity and EVM right now but other things could be supported. So you normally write your code, but you also write what we call code invariants which are high-level properties of your code which is what you expect from your code to hold.

There are some properties about code that you want to check. Then there is web-based technology, a fully automatic technology. The test is two things: it does one of the two things... it can generate mathematical proofs that the code adheres to the specification of the code invariants. Every execution of the code that satisfies an invariant, you end up with another state that satisfies another invariant.

The other thing that this technology is doing - and which is what I want to talk about today - it can actually find behavior of the code that violates the invariant, automatically. It identifies a behavior of the code and this can be a behavior that someone can exploit and that would be very bad to have deployed.

We think the interesting thing about that is that the code changes. People change the code. You have one version then you go to the next version. This allows developers to run code in some sense faster and still keep it secure. Every time they change the code, they have a thing that checks it.

Constraint solving

This is one of the only technical things here. I am going to explain how this technology. The secret sauce is constraint solving. It takes code and an invariant on the other side. This code takes money from one account and transfers to another account. So the invariant is that you expect the balance to hold constant. What do you think? Does it hold here? No.

The idea is that we take the program, and we take the variant, and we convert it into mathematical constraints. This equation that describes the behavior of the code... the first equation here is basically describing the require instruction which is converted into a mathematical constraint. Similarly the next instruction is converted to a mathematical constraint, and so on.

The most interesting thing is what happens to the invariant. We do complementation: we look for behavior that violates the invariant. These sets of mathematical constraints present all the behaviors of the program that indicate a bug. They are symbolic and they are completely symbolic. We did not use any particular value. Is there an address for which this invariant is valid or invalid? This is something that we can do with a solver.

Microsoft has an open-source software for constraint solving. Stanford has a nice one. There's a lot of tools like this where we can feed in constraints and ask if there's a solution to the given set of constraints. It can find a solution. The solution here indicates a bug. The idea is that if Alice transfers the money to Alice then the balance to Alice after the operation is higher without anyone losing balance, which is an undesired behavior.

The tool automatically found this problem. In computer science, we call this satisfiability solving. The idea is that we can take an equation and find its solutions.

Formal verification

Constraint solving is one of the difficult problems of computer science. In the last 10 or 20 years, there are many things that we have learned. The purpose of formal verifiction is to prove that your program is correct. That's true, but the biggest benefit is finding bugs. We use formal verifictions on a daily basis to find bugs.

The other thing is that formal verification is computationally hard. But the reality is that the hardest problem is specification for formal verification. The biggest problem is writing the invariants and thinking up what is it that this program needs to satisfy.

There's also a lot of things I won't be able to go into detail about, but the idea is that for a lot of things--- it's tricky to model things, and abstraction is actually key to scalability, like natural vs bit-vector arithmetic, memory abstraction, loop abstractions, and ignoring gas is more practical. There's a lot of things we have learned here that makes formal verification easier, and the key to that is abstraction.

For scalability, it's really important to think about modularity which enables scalability. This isn't a one-time thing. The customre is always going to have this, and the customer keeps using the product every time code gets written.

Bounded supply invariant

I wanted to show an invariant. In the paper, we have many of them. One of the easiest invariants is for the ERC20 token bounded supply invariant. Shamiq Islam head of security at Coinbase came to us with a reasonable request. He said, nobody should need unbounded tokens. This seems like a reasonable requirement. ERC20 is trivially satisfied if you don't have a mint operation. But once you have a mint operation, you need to check this invariant.

The invariant is that the minted token is less than some critical amount. This is the essence of bitcoin: you have some ability that you're limiting the amount of minted tokens. So far so good.

Reverse auctions

How many of you know MakerDAO? It is one of the most important DeFi and they implement a lot of code. They have something called a reverse auction. You start with a bit value. In the code, if you look at the demo, it's called price but here it's the bid value. So you have an initial bid value which is high, and Alice and Charlie are making bids and Bob's bid is the lowest and it gets accepted when you close the auction. After you close the auction, the total bid increases and is transferred to Bob. The total bid is incremented. This is a good behavior of this program. This is what the developer intended. This is the intended behavior.

Unfortunately there is another behavior... the behavior is that what happens is that Mallory comes in and bids at something that is really close to the MAXINT value (or max UINT value). Then the auction closes very quickly, and the total supply was incremented to MAXINT or MAXUINT. This is not a behavior that you want.

Checking the bounded supply invariant

We ran the tool, and you see the UI of the tool here. The tool scans each function and checks that it satisfies the invraiant. The idea is that you see the close auction violated the invariant. It will give you exactly the input that shows you the violation of the invariant. When we showed it to the MakerDAO team, you should have seen their eyes. This was a really nice bug that you can find with this kind of thing.

We're using a very generic invariant which says, you can't mint unbounded tokens.

Then you have to fix the code, which can be tricky sometimes. So you add this extra condition that you don't close the auction too early. This is an extra condition. The interesting thing is... our technology is totally automatic; you fix the code, then we check the invariant. So you see now we run the tool again and you can run it on hte demo and now you see that all the code satisfies each of the functions, it satisfies the invariant.

High-level smart contract invariants

We plan to publish some of the invariants. Some of them apply to all contracts, like immunity to reentrancy attacks, or robustness. Immunity to reentrancy attack invariant found bugs in DAO, SpankChain, Constantinople fork, etc. Robustness bug was found in Compound v1 price oracle... Bonuded token supply invariant bug was found in Maker MCD... Proportional token distribution invariant bug was found in Compound v2 and Maker MCD. Then another loan invariant was found for "Any loan can be fully repaid invariant" which was found for Compound v2 too. This is specific to DeFi of course. We found these bugs before their code is in production. Another one is "sufficient reserves invariant"- you want to make sure you have enough to operate your business or contract.

Correctness rules for debt in Compound Finance DeFi

The Compound team found this one... they wrote the invariant and found the bug themselves. This is the code. It was about borrowBalanceStored. The invariant is that: if I have a loan and I owe a certain amount and I owe more than I owed, then I should basically be able to repay my loan. "Any debt can be paid off: repayAmount >= borrowed leads to newBorrowBalance = 0". This is a universal equation. For every value of this repay amount, for every value of it, if this is greater than the borrowed amount, then the new borrow balance should be zero after this. This is a very reasonable requirement to have.

The tool was able to find a violation of this. Sometimes we look at this and don't believe our software. It found this bug and we wondered, how is this bug there? It does in fact find a bug. After repayment, an amount was still owed. What's the problem? The problem is that the customer didn't use the right ..... they are looking into the value of the interest in the past, and once they fix it, when they use the right API, then we can actually prove this invariant. We can prove this property.


One of the holy grails of computer science is making formal specifications for software. Our tool in the area of blockchain and smart contracts, we're trying to come up with this specification. It's a community effort. We have our customers and others, and if you're interested in contribution then please come. We would like to have a specification for what it means for software to be correct. It's a community effort. The purpose of this talk was to show you something a bit surprising: many of these bugs can be caught by a small list of properties. These invariants are reusable across contracts. These are a set of rules that give you some kind of security guarantee.

Code is law, but code is tricky and code is changing. You should specify the properties that you want. If you are a user and you use a token, you probably want to know what are the properties it has to satisfy.

Sponsorship: These transcripts are sponsored by Blockchain Commons.

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